Friday, November 30, 2007

My First Lesson!!

My first lesson went pretty well over all. There were some mishaps but over all I got good feed back.

So, about the mishaps. I have Windows vista on my computer which means I have to save my documents a certain way if I want it to be compatible with computers with an older version of windows on it. Well, after arriving at the school I found out that I apparently didn't save my slide show properly. It took half an hour to get it fixed but I was able to do my lesson.

My first time I taught about dairy evaluation was in one of the shops. That in itself wasn't a big deal, I would just have to talk louder. The problem was that next door, in the welding shop, they were grinding! Needless to say, my voice at this point can't carry over all that noise. But I got my point across and the students really enjoyed judging a aged holstein class at the end.

The second time around was a lot better. I wasn't flustered at all thankfully. I was teaching my dairy evaluation lesson in an 8th grade biology class. The kids were really excited because I had got them out of taking a test. They were all very attentive and involved and tried to answer all of the questions I asked them. It was great!

I got positive feed back from the teacher. She really liked my slide show with all of the pictures. She thought it was great. The only thing she said I should think about working on is walking around a bit.

I'm really glad it went well.

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