Tuesday, January 6, 2009

School, I can't get away from it.... and I like it

Funny how I'm in school, work at a school, and go to a school for school. I probably could have phrased that better but I like it. I have once again been observing at a school. I enjoy every minute and I learn a lot. I'll be giving a lesson on this Friday on beef cattle breeds, it should be fun. I'm teaching 8th graders (mostly boys) in a Fundamentals of Agriculture class. I really enjoy teaching the younger students because they have a drive that the older ones don't seem to have.

On the upside, even though there was no downside, Daisy has been making some progress in her training.

Daisy Mae having fun running while we were training.

Daisy trying to find the coon hide.

Daisy finding the coon skin.


FINALLY! I can't believe everything finally worked out. It seems like if something isn't going wrong something is off. I finally got accepted into the teachers program which means I can finally move on. Things are on track again after some emails were sent. I'm so glad I have such wonderful advisors. I'm a very lucky person now that I think about it. Like I always tell myself, everything works out in the end!