Friday, August 24, 2007

Critical Thinking

My first week of school has officially come to a close. I have come to one conclusion, this is the year for critical thinking. All of a sudden most of my classes are all hyped up about critical thinking. As a person who hasn't had to think critically in school, ever, it was a huge shock. I guess its a good thing, maybe I'll actually remember something (we call that learning where I come from). I'm sure I'll get used to it in a couple of weeks. I also have boat loads of homework. It's a lot of writing. Once I get started doing it I don't really mind.

I'm suprised at how organized I am this year too. Its kind of nice, keeps me busy anyway. Rodeo Club will be starting up next week. I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends. I'm looking forward to actually doing stuff with the club this year. I'm also thinking of joining some of the education oriented clubs too. They have one for everyone in the teaching program and also one for Ag Ed.

So far the living arrangements are working out pretty good. Sydney is working out nicely too. I'll never over sleep or be late for class. He wakes me up around 6:30-7 o'clock in the morning every day. Over all, everything is working out. YAY for things going right.

I'm going home this weekend to get some stuff I forgot at home and drop some stuff off. I haven't seen Kennedy and Jerralyn (I can never remember if its two r's or just one, same things with the n's) since I went to lunch with Brooke. So its been a couple weeks. I kind of miss them.

Well that's it for now I think.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Second Day of Classes

So today was my second day of classes. Wow. It's one of the longest days I've had in a long time.

My moring started out with my cat vomiting. I cleaned that up and did the thing I had heard Dr. Chaille say time and time again. I took up his water and food, stuck him in my room and put his litter box in there. After that it was off to classes.

My first classes was the Dairy Products lab at 7:30 a.m. It wasn't too bad. We went over the coarse material then started in on a lab. We started the cheese making process. It was a colby type cheese. Of course all we had to do was heat the milk up, take the pH, add some cultures and let the machine do its thing.

Next was my Soil Sciences class. Once again, not too bad but it's gonna be a lot of work. After he introduced us to the coarse, Dr. Scoyoc started in on lecture. We learned about soil coloring and how you can tell if the soil is well draining or not by it. He told us about monolyths and how they are made. Dr. Scoyoc believes in hands on learning so most of our time will be spend in labs actually working with the stuff we talk about.

There was a one hour break after AGRY 255. I really don't like them. Especially if I have nothing I can do.

After my break I had my Food Science class. I have a feeling I'll have a lot of fun in this class and learn a lot and not just about the science of food. Curby (he doesn't like it when people call him doctor) stresses critical thinking and puts it into practice during class.

I had another one hour break after my FS 161 class. Once again.... BORING!

After my second one hour break I had my Dairy Products lecture. She didn't cover anything I didn't already know so it wasn't very interesting. I actually could have expanded on some of the things she was talking about. I'm kinda proud of myself for that, its proof I'm actually interested in dairy cattle and the industry cause I actually remembered stuff about it.

Then I had my Food Science discussion session. That was a lot of fun. Curby talked about what would be expected of us then started a discussion. I actually got to start the main discussion. I was so proud of myself! It was a lot of fun. I've learned that participating isn't all that horrible.

My final class of the day was EDCI 285A. I had something to do with diverstity and education. That was pretty fun too. We went over the coarse material then played a game. Our professor would say a topic and make catagories. We would then have to split ourselves into the catagory in which we felt we belonged. An example would be Trucks: Chevy/GMC, Dodge, Ford, Other. We had to go to the group we prefered. The exercise was ment to show us that diversity doesn't have to be about sex, religion, or race. We also had to introduce ourselves and say where we graduated from, the number of our graduating class, the diversity of our school/community, and any personal experience with diversity. It was pretty interesting. One guy came from a town that held the headquarters for the KKK.

My classes ended at 5:30 p.m.

I then went over to the Ice Cream Social and helped promote the Rodeo Club before coming home. I didn't get back until 7:30 p.m. Then I ate dinner, watched some Alton Brown, started writing this and after this is done I'm going to bed.

Good night!

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of Class

I love love love my Agricultural Systems Managment class! It's construction and management. We have three units that we'll be covering: electricity and plumbing, concrete and buildings, and engines and hydraulics. I can't wait to start doing stuff.

My teacher is really nice and easy to talk to. In lab we will get a lot of hands on experience with things that are fun and relevent to every day life. I can't wait to take the diesal engine apart and put it back together.

We already started doing stuff in lab today! Our first section is on electricity. We talked about polarity wiring, color coding, deciphering cable and wire codes, and using pig tails. We started cutting the cable sheeth, striping wires, making loops, and hooking them onto a plug in. We also got aquanted with the shop and where everything was. I was a lot of fun. I can't wait to learn more!

Tomorrow promises to be a long day. My classes start at 7:30 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. I'm not looking forward to the hours but it should be a fairly easy day with short classes. There's also the Ice Cream Social in the College of Ag I need to attend. The Rodeo Club has a table and so far there's only Jon and I to man it. I'm hoping to get Julie to come and help out. sigh. Well its off to be so I'm nice and rested for my long day. Woot!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

First trip to Florida

Jon and I went to Florida for a week. It was so much fun and I'm looking forward to the next time I get to go.

We left on the morning of the 7th. It was about 7 a.m. so it wasn't too bad. The drive down was good even though there were a few annoyances. None of them were caused by Jon or myself. Outside sources were the cause. The entire drive took about 19 hours. We got in at about 2:30 the next morning.

On the 8th we started our day by going on an adventure. We had to find the grocery store which is harder than it sounds. anyway, the houses were really pretty and they had kind of like boat road ways. After we got back from the store we went down to the beach. We collected shells and played in the water. Then we went to the swimming pool and afterwards ate dinner. Later on in the night I felt a little pinch on my face and the spot swelled up some and was itchy. the swelling went down later that night.

On the 9th we went shopping at Tin City which is just a configuration of small stores. On the way back we went to the Rookery Bay Reserve. That was pretty interesting. We stopped by to check on the llamas, which are owned by a friend of the family and Jon's dad. For dinner we went to a resturant called The Snook. Jon got the all you can eat sea food buffet and I got chicken.

On the 10th we went to Wooten's. It's an animal sanctuary and they offer air boat rides in the reserve where they're located. We looked at all the animals while we waited for our air boat ride. I held a baby alligator and so did Jon. They're really soft. We got pictures. After that we were off to the air boat docks. Our tour was sooooo fun! we even saw 6 gators after the guy told us we probably wouldn't because it was too hot so they would stay in the water. well, these were in the water but they had just killed something so they were eating. it was so neat being that close to wild gators. one swam right under the boat next to where I was siting! it kind of freaked me out but it was fun none the less.

Saturday and Sunday were generally uneventful. we laid around all day. went down to the beach sat by the pool and walked around to the different shops. We left on monday and arrived home on tuesday morning.