Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of Class

I love love love my Agricultural Systems Managment class! It's construction and management. We have three units that we'll be covering: electricity and plumbing, concrete and buildings, and engines and hydraulics. I can't wait to start doing stuff.

My teacher is really nice and easy to talk to. In lab we will get a lot of hands on experience with things that are fun and relevent to every day life. I can't wait to take the diesal engine apart and put it back together.

We already started doing stuff in lab today! Our first section is on electricity. We talked about polarity wiring, color coding, deciphering cable and wire codes, and using pig tails. We started cutting the cable sheeth, striping wires, making loops, and hooking them onto a plug in. We also got aquanted with the shop and where everything was. I was a lot of fun. I can't wait to learn more!

Tomorrow promises to be a long day. My classes start at 7:30 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. I'm not looking forward to the hours but it should be a fairly easy day with short classes. There's also the Ice Cream Social in the College of Ag I need to attend. The Rodeo Club has a table and so far there's only Jon and I to man it. I'm hoping to get Julie to come and help out. sigh. Well its off to be so I'm nice and rested for my long day. Woot!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

WOW! That sounds like a cool class. A class like that might make you change your major to Engineering or something. Good luck and don't fry yourself.